Posted tagged ‘average’

Top 5 Places NOT To Put An Engagement Ring

January 8, 2010

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, love is in the air and so are engagements.  However, recent news has seen some pretty funny and remarkable stories of proposals gone wrong and guys losing the ring.  David Mamane, CEO of online jewelry boutique, suggests the following:
 Top 5 places NOT to put the engagement ring before you propose

  • Inside a hot air balloon:  Pastor James Ng learned the hard way when he dropped his engagement ring hundreds of feet from a hot air balloon during his proposal.  At least the whole situation wasn’t full of hot air…she said yes and a week later he found the ring. 
  • In a cup: It really stunk when a NJ man had to go through over 10 tons of garbage to retrieve the wedding ring his wife placed in a paper cup, which he accidently threw away. 
  • On a boat deck or pier:  Crashing waves while proposing is romantic, but if you drop the ring into the water—a dive team search and rescue is not. 
  • On a bridge: How depressing, a guy approached by the police-suicide prevention squad on the Brooklyn Bridge had to explain that he wasn’t trying to commit suicide, rather he was looking for the engagement ring that he had just dropped. 
  • Hidden in food: It might be hard to stomach, but women have swallowed the ring their fiancée had hidden in champagne, dessert, and even a Wendy’s Frosty.

Skip the drama; if you’re looking the Perfect Proposal idea, click here.